General information

Are you interested in robotics and are thinking about joining our association or are you interested in what we do? Below you can find more on what the RSA can offer you and what we expect from our members.

What we can offer you

The association is located in the attic of RoboHouse where we have an office space, a general area, and a storage room. The attic can be accessed throughout the day and is the main location for organizing events. Our office is a great place to study or to discuss your projects with likeminded students. The RoboHouse workshop and storage room facilities are available to our members to work on their personal or group projects.

The RSA board is always busy organizing events and activities and making sure you have everything you need at our association. Below you can find some more info on what you can expect at our association.

Hackathons and workshops

The RSA would not be called the Robotics Student Association if we wouldn't organize robotics related events. That's why we regularly organise hackathons, where groups of students try to build a robot in a limited amount of time to accomplish a certain goal. We try to choose the topics such that you can always contribute to the challenge, unrelated to which study you do.

This year there will also be the MicroMouse competition, where you can build a maze-solving robot throughout the year, with workshops to help you make your robot!

We also organize workshops on various topics throughout the year: CAD design, electronics, PCB design, Arduino and more! They’re a great opportunity to learn a new skill and get better at building robots! They are also all interactive, so you get to assemble some electronics parts or design your own PCB during the workshop for example.


The RSA wants to support your projects. We do this by giving you access to a workshop where you can work on your project as well as our storage room to safely store your materials. Larger projects can even get their own room in RoboHouse!

You also have the possibility to join an existing project. More information about the projects we are currently associated with can be found on the projects page. These teams will also present their projects during project evenings where they will answer any questions you might have. If you want to start a new project and need inspiration, we organize brainstorm sessions for new members where we come up with project ideas together. This is also a great time to learn what other members are interested in and maybe start a project together.

Tools, components & help

We have spaces where members can use various tools, such as soldering irons and electronics tools, 3d printers and a laser cutter. We also have a large selection of components including microcontrollers, sensors, actuators and more. You can borrow all of these for your projects, as long as they stay in the building! If you want to build any kind of robot, RSA is the place to do so!
There are also many members that will be willing to help you, whether you’re discovering robotics or you need help for more advanced topics.


Drinks (borrels) are generally organized on Thursday evenings and are a great time to hang out with friends or meet fellow robotics enthusiasts. Some of these borrels will also be interest drinks were we will invite certain studies who are interested in robotics or were you can bring friends who might be interested in the association.
Once a quarter we host a project evening during the borrel, where you can discover all of the active RSA projects and see what they are doing! Some projects will also be looking for new members, so these project evenings are a great place to look for a robotics project to join.

Other activities

Some other activities we organize are, e.g., game nights, excursions, or guest lectures. The occasional game nights are a great deal of fun were our members compete in ping pong tournaments, board games, or other competition based games. During the excursions we will visit robotics related companies to get a behind the scenes look at what they are doing. This is a great time to learn more about working at these companies or get inspiration for, e.g., manufacturing processes. At guest lectures we’ll invite someone to present an interesting topic, such as a robotics project or startup, generally at lunch or dinner time.


The RSA Newsletter is a publication that contains hand-picked recent developments and latest news about robotics and adjacent fields. The Newsletter is open for submissions, whether project demonstrations or presentations on an interesting topic.

What we expect from you


If you want to help out the RSA, you can join a committee. This way, we can organize bigger and more events as well as improve the growth of the association. For more information on our committees and which positions are available, visit the committees page.

The RSA encourages their members to be as active as possible, either by joining a project or a committee. This is of course not mandatory, you can also just join if you want to have a fun time surrounded by fellow robotics enthusiasts.

Membership fee

The membership fee is just 20€ for the entire year! With this, you get access to most RSA events for free, you can use the workshop and shared spaces, you can borrow components for your projects, and more.

Some events such as large hackathons and excursions might also require a small contribution, and some projects can also ask for a contribution if you want to join them.


In 2019, the Robotics Student Association was founded and the first steps were made to build a vibrant and useful community for students that have a special interest in robotics. With already more than 70 members, an office, a workshop, an event space, several successful activities such as hackathons and multiple cool project supported, we will continue our efforts to fulfilling our mission:

“Enable students to do robotics projects, by connecting them to companies, events and projects”.

We hope to provide a time filled with fun, social and meaningful activities to our members sharing a common passion. You can support these activities by joining a committee, giving feedback, proposing ideas or setting up a project yourself!



The RSA is founded as an association to connect the students of the Next Generation Robotics Honours Programme.

The start of the first year as an active association. The association has grown to 50 members. The first year would contain several interest drinks, excursions and lunch lectures.



The association starts its second year. Operating during a pandemic the members stayed connected with online lockdown lectures and fun digital game nights.

The third year with new opportunities. Lunch lectures, hackathons and new projects were organized. And finally real life gatherings were possible again.



The fourth board of the RSA is initialized and oversees a year full of robotics related activities and many new projects. The flagship RoboCup team, Delft Mercurians, is founded.

In the fifth year, the first MicroMouse competition is organized, with many workshops to help teams get their maze-solving robots ready! The RoboCup team grows significantly and participates for the first time, getting 5th place out of 9 at the competition in Eindhoven!



Next year will start with a big celebration of the 5th birthday of the association, including a 38-hour hackathon, from the 13th to the 15th of September!


The association is located in the attic of RoboHouse where we have an office space, a general area, an electronics workshop and project spaces.

Our office is a great place to study or to discuss your projects with likeminded people. In the general area you can hang out and play ping pong or board games with others.
The electronics workshop contains soldering irons, heat guns, microscopes and all kinds of tools for electronics or hardware builds. There is also a storage space with components that you can borrow. We also have a supply of small components that you can use under certain conditions, such as resistors, SMD components, nuts and bolts... RSA Members can also use the RoboHouse Makerspace, which contains a laser cutter, metalworking tools, 3d printers, and many other tools.

You can find the attic at RoboHouse, between the TU Delft campus and the city-centre!

Open in Google Maps

Interested in joining the RSA?

If you’re interested in joining the association, you can sign-up here! Membership costs 20€ per year.