
The RSA currently has five committees. By joining a committee you would greatly help the association and make it possible to organize bigger and more events as well as improve the growth of the association. On this page you can find more information on our committees. If you are interested in joining one of these, feel free to sign up.

Each committee has been assigned a board member. Therefore you will receive support and help from the board and will be actively working together. The committees meet up weekly or bi-weekly, depending on the committee. The workload can be adjusted depending on your own schedule, expect 2 to 6 hours of work per week.

If you want to join a committee, you can contact one of the board members.

AkCie (Activity Committee)

AkCie is responsible for the organization of activities for members, be it fun, education or social drinks related. You will look for interesting speakers from companies or research institutes and organize events, e.g., excursions, lunch lectures, and workshops.

  • Organize and take care of social drinks, lunch/guest lectures and workshops.
  • Organize monthly social activities for members not related to education, or social drinks (such as excursions).

HackCo (Hackathon Committee)

HackCo is a subcommittee of the AkCie, which is in charge of organizing hackathons and competitions!

  • Find and write challenges for the hackathons
  • Organize the technical side of the event, prepare the robots if necessary
  • Organize the yearly MicroMouse competition and any related events (launch day, practice day, workshops...)

WoCo (Workshop Committee)

WoCo is concerned with the attic, event space and storage facilities. The storage room needs to be organized so projects can store their hardware, as well as materials that can be used for future projects. You will also help out with renovating the lounge area, to improve the general aesthetics of the attic.

  • Prepare and provide tools and materials that members can borrow and use.
  • Build useful things/technologies to improve the attic environment.
  • Create and provide a comfortable and encouraging setting in the attic.
  • Keep the attic tidy and orderly.
  • Organize and monitor the inventory and the amount of tools and materials.

CommsCo (Communications Committee)

CommsCo is responsible for all media, communication and promotion related matters.

  • Designing promotional material such as flyers, goodies, merchandise and posters.
  • Managing the association Instagram and LinkedIn accounts.
  • Taking care of videos and photos during events.
  • Creating and distributing the newsletter.

WebCo (Website Committee)

WebCo is responsible for developing and maintaining the website.

  • Develop new features for the website, front-end and/or back-end.
  • Adjust the content delivered to the website according to the needs of other committees such as AkCie and CommsCo.
  • Manage and implement databases for matters such as payments and member information registers.